Ptr. Samuel Massenberg, Jr

Reverend Samuel E. Massenberg, Jr., was born in Shreveport, Louisiana, the oldest child of Samuel E. Massenberg, Sr., and Delores Massenberg. Soon after, the family moved to Detroit, Michigan, while Samuel, Sr., served in the Korean War as a pilot of USAF 364th Bomber Wing. Samuel received his clear Christian upbringing from his mother Delores, a woman of God who taught the principles of God from the beginning of his childhood. Samuel’s sister Mirian was born just before the family relocated to Dayton, Ohio. e family then traveled to Berlin, Germany, for several years and back to Michigan. Samuel, Jr. would later attend Hampton University prior to entering into the United States Army as an Artillery Ocer. He traveled to Germany as well as to Korea during his time in the service.


In the fall of 1988, Samuel relocated to Northern Virginia. Shortly there after, he was led to the Mt. Pleasant Baptist Church in Herndon, Virginia. Samuel began his personal relationship with Jesus Christ in January 1989. From that moment, he began serving the Body of Christ in many capacities. Over time, he attended formal training in the teaching of God’s Word along with teaching school-age and adult Sunday school classes. As a humble servant exercising his faith through works in God’s Kingdom, a favorite scripture exemplifies Samuel’s work. “And let us not be weary in well doing; for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not. As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith” (Gal. 6:9-10 KJV).


He received his call to ministry in 1999 and was licensed to preach the Gospel at Mt. Pleasant Baptist Church (MPBC) in August 2005 and ordained into the ministry in 2007. Pastor Sam serves as the Assistant Pastor at MPBC. He has been serving with the Sisters of the Son Ministries for over 13 years. An avid teacher of the Word of God, Reverend Massenberg loves to engage groups in the study of scriptures. Yet it is his servant’s heart that has solidified his installation as Pastor in the Sisters of the Son Ministries. Pastor Sam is married to Lulu Jackson, his best friend. He has been blessed with two beautiful daughters, Ligeia and Tawanna, the loves of his life.
